
First off, congratulations to Emily Deschanel! She just announced (through her rep) that she’s pregnant and due later this year. The baby-daddy is her husband, David Hornsby, who many know from his role as Rickety Cricket on It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia. They were married last year and they seem genuinely happy together. I always enjoy Emily because A) She’s not a famewhore, and I get the impression that she lives a very quiet, very private life and she just happens to be on a hit show and B) I love her on Bones, and I love that she loves being on television, and she’s not trying to do the movie star thing. So… this news makes me really happy, and I truly hope she has a healthy and happy pregnancy.

***************SPOILERS FOR THIS SEASON OF BONES********

Now, I have to totally geek out on everyone, and people who aren’t Bones fans, you can just move on to another post because none of this will mean anything. Also: I get that people are no longer fans of the show now that David Boreanaz has been outed as a womanizing skeeze, but I’m such a fan of the show, I kind of disregard his personal skeeziness. Okay, when this current season of Bones started, I thought it sucked, big-time, and that the whole “Booth goes Afghanistan, Bones goes to Wherever” story line was so, so dumb. I toyed with the idea of dropping the series from my must-watch list, but I’m glad I stuck with it, because this season got really, really good around Christmas. I actually liked Hannah (Booth’s journalist girlfriend), I liked her with Booth, and I liked that Hannah and Bones became so friendly and tight. Everything changed for me with that episode where Bones overly identifies with the dead surgeon, and that hot helicopter pilot who was in love with the surgeon. The scene in the car between Bones and Booth where she’s crying and asking him if she missed her chance… yeah, I was crying too. And I loved that Booth shut her down.

And then it got even better! Booth proposing to Hannah, Hannah turning him down, and then all of his sadness and bitterness… I truly didn’t see that situation playing out as it did. And then the last episode where Bones and Booth are stuck in the elevator and they talk about sex and possibly getting it on and Bones showing some self-awareness about her own “resilience”. I know the writers are playing with us, as they have done for years. But I really enjoyed it anyway, because it felt like Bones is making the effort to develop and change.

So, here are my questions: will the writers put Emily’s pregnancy into the show? If they do, will it be Booth’s baby? If it’s Booth’s baby, won’t they have to get started on the sexual relationship really, really soon? Will they show it? Because I’m still invested in that junk. I want to see those two characters get dirty with each other. For. Real.

Oh, and how frigging long is Angela going to gestate with that tiny little bump?



Photos courtesy of WENN.
